NAVCES (Healthcare Navigation + Access)

General Surgery

General Surgery

The cost and quality of providers for General Surgery
in your city can vary drastically.

The example illustration below represents the actual cost
variance for an Appendectomy, the surgical
removal of the appendix: $11,998–$37,495.

This is the equivalent of paying for gas at
$2.50 vs. $7.81 a gallon.

An Appendectomy is one of the most common surgeries
performed by general surgeons in the US.

A Fair Price for an Appendectomy is $14,998

We found only 1 quality-ranked facility in Denver, CO,
which ranked 286 out of 911US Hospitals that perform
this procedure. That is better than 69% of all US Hospitals.

General Surgery

A Fair Price for an Appendectomy is $14,998

Let us help navigate you to a navces recommended High-Value
Medical Provider or Facility in your city so you do not overpay.

Let us help navigate you to a navces recommended High-Value Medical Provider or Facility in your city so you do not overpay.